Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Just a little lunch

Yesterday only Pumpkin required a packed lunch.  Since she wasn't able to finish Monday's lunch, she asked for less this time.

I thought the ham and tortilla wrap with broccoli and grapes looked a little sad, but Pumpkin said it was perfect.  It looks like smaller lunches will be in order for a bit.  Until the next growth spurt, anyway.

Yes, healthy snacks still get sent along too.

added to What's For Lunch Wednesday


  1. Before I started making Bentos my daughter complained that I wasn't giving her enough lunch. Now, that I'm baking Bento lucnhes, she never seems to be able to finish everything. I think that maybe before, the problem wasn't that it wasn't enough food, but just that it wasn't interesting enough (especially when everyone else was getting multiple, fun, prepackaged snacks!)

  2. It's so hard to know what is enough or not. Sometimes I sent a smaller lunch and it's too much or a bigger lunch and she's HUNGRY when she gets home!
