Friday, May 13, 2011

National Cancer Survivor's Day is June 5th

Hey!  Did you hear?  There is a National Cancer Survivor's Day!  And it's coming up!  Mark your calendars!

Why do I care?

When I went in for my most recent checkup, I met a lovely woman who had never met a cancer survivor.  Every one she knew who had cancer died.

And she was scared.

Because she had cancer.

And it's scary.

Now here's the thing; she is not the only person in this boat.

A little while ago, I attended a survivor's group with a friend.  She signed me up, actually.  She didn't want to go to the thing alone.  And, since I was her Sherpa, I went.

My friend (who shall henceforth be known as Madame President) introduces herself to people as the President of the Survivors' Club, and Chair of the Welcoming Committee For Cancer Survivors. She is a 30 year survivor.  Unfortunately, she put herself up for renewed membership 2 years ago.   That darn paperwork ;-)

But guess what?  She is still here!  And she's fine!

We hear the crappy news all the time.  It's easy to find, easy to print.  We need to hear the good sometimes, too.  Recognize that cancer doesn't always win.

So, let's get the word out, shall we?    If one in 4 people will have cancer in their lifetimes, odds are exceptionally good that you already know one person who has, will have, or has had the big CA.

Canada's Survivor Day is June 5th.

It looks like this was started in the US, and a few other countries have joined in.  See here for more info. 

I totally understand people not wanting to "Out" themselves as having had cancer.  You face an awful lot of negative attention.  You get blamed for having been sick.  You get accused of lying, because you aren't dead.  You will never be able to get insurance again.  You may not be able to get a job.  You may loose a job.  People treat you like you are contagious.

But honestly?  If we don't stand up, and stand together, then cancer wins.


And NOBODY wants that.

1 comment:

  1. I think I only know survivors. I like the idea that I surround myself with that kind of cancer-kicking bad-assery.
