Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Lunch - Packed by Peanut

School is almost over.  Just a two more days!  Then a long weekend!

Today's lunches were packed by.....Peanut!

Both girls have ham, rolled up deli-plate style, and held with grapes and blueberries on skewers, played here by toothpicks.  The mix of grapes and blueberries are kept away from the ham and from the pita wedges by lettuce, picked fresh from the containers moments before packing!  


  1. What great helpers you have! I found your blog via What's for Lunch at BentoLunch.net. I just made the decision to start serving Bento lunches to my daughter and I have lots to learn. I'll be visiting lots of blogs!

  2. Thanks for stopping by Diana. There are lots of great resources out there. Have you checked out justbento.com? It's very helpful.
